You are almost certainly either a student preparing for college or a parent. Admittedly, this procedure may be intimidating and typically causes worry. However, if done in a methodical and unique manner, it proves to be the most rewarding. The experience and services at Paramount Global are aimed at maximizing your potential and assuring success throughout the college application process.

Application Perfection Services (APPS) is a highly tailored and personalized top service that we give to make the college application process as simple and stress-free as possible. We help you every step of the way to ensure that you are accepted not just into your dream university, but also into a place where your full potential may be realized

Education is more than merely mastering a syllabus; it is also about the application. Universities worldwide look for active students who love to think, create, desire education, and have a can-do attitude. We at Paramount Global believe that what you know is the sum of reading, thinking, evaluating, applying, and gaining experience.

The aim of HeadStart is this – to guide you towards your passions, to develop ideas, and implement them. We are not creating 'simple activities,' we are defining the real you through experiential learning.

HeadStart aids in building knowledge from high school itself. Our Independent Counselors provide you with relevant and current knowledge to help you to pursue your passions. We help you build learning networks in order to place you in programs that are meaningful to you. This knowledge improves your thinking, viewpoint, and personality. We advise you on extracurricular activities, summer school alternatives, internships, community service, and other creative ventures, all with your best interests in mind.